Forthcoming Meetings

Ms Chaitra RUsing human-centered design to address real-world problems25-Feb-202511:00 AM
Ms Vasudha AroraArt Integration26-Feb-202511:00AM
Ms Mary VinodhiniUniversal Design for Learning28-Feb-202511:00 AM
Mr Muhammed RafsalBeyond Textbooks: Engaging 21st-Century Learners with Interactive Methods.01-Mar-202511:30AM
Mr Jeetesh GulaniThe power of Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design.03-Mar-202512:30PM
Ms Dhanlaxmi KrishnanBridging Athletics and Education08-Mar-202511:30AM
Dr. Ganesh SrinivasanEdutainment – The Entertaining way of learning11-Mar-202511:00AM